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Bianca Dellore, a Painter Artist since 2006, has embarked on a lifelong journey fueled by her fascination with art from a young age. Born in 1976, after completing her degree in Advertising and Marketing, she made a bold decision to relocate to London, England, seeking new experiences and a fresh perspective on life.

In London, Bianca found herself immersed in a thriving artistic community and had numerous opportunities for personal and professional growth. Exploring the city's museums and galleries, she absorbed inspiration from diverse artistic expressions. It was in 2006 that she painted her inaugural artwork titled "MYSELF," marking the beginning of her artistic endeavors. Since then, she has created a rich collection of paintings with various themes, each offering a glimpse into her unique perception and emotional connection to the subjects.

Working primarily with acrylics on canvas and paper, as well as utilizing crayon and charcoal on paper, Bianca has developed a distinctive style known for its captivating portrayal of faces and abstract elements. Her artistic talent began to gain recognition, and in 2012, she was invited to participate in three exhibitions in São Paulo, Brazil, alongside fellow artists. The exhibitions proved successful, leading to the sale of her artwork and the introduction of her distinct style to a broader audience.

Continuing to paint fervently, Bianca started receiving positive feedback from those who acquired her artwork, sharing their experiences of the benefits they derived from her paintings. Her artwork is celebrated for evoking happiness, promoting well-being, fostering inner peace, and restoring balance.

Bianca's artistic influence has extended beyond Brazil, with her artwork finding its way into private collections in Europe, Canada, and her current residence in São Paulo. Her journey as a Painter Artist has been defined by passion, dedication, and the profound impact her artwork has on those who encounter it.

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